Permanent Life Insurance

Permanent life insurance pays your beneficiaries in the event of your death, and also offers you a separate savings component that may be available to you while you are alive. Permanent life insurance lasts your entire life or for as long as you continue to make payments.

How it Works

Every permanent life insurance policy contains cash value that grows as you pay your premiums. Typically the cash in a policy can be accessed at any time, tax deferred or tax free.

Many people use the cash value to pay off their house, pay for their children's college tuition or invest in other assets. Talk to one of our agents to learn more about this amazing benefit!

Types of Permanent Life Insurance

The most common types of Permanent Life Insurance are Whole Life, Universal Life, and Indexed Universal Life. Whole Life consists of a fixed premium amount for the life of the insured with a fixed percentage growth on cash value. Universal Life allows for flexible premiums with fixed interest growth. Indexed Universal Life is the same as Universal Life except you have the option to grow your cash in relation to an index instead of just a fixed interest rate.

Is Permanent Life Insurance Right for Me?


  1. Cash value that accumulates on a tax deferred or even tax free.

  2. Death benefit paid to your beneficiaries.

  3. The policy lasts your entire life or for as long as you continue to make payments.


  1. Can be much more expensive than Term

  2. Can be more complicated

  3. Use of cash may affect final death benefit

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is the Difference Between Term Life and Permanent Life Insurance?

Term Life Insurance covers a predetermined period of time, typically between 10 and 30 years. Term policies may be renewed after they expire, however premiums are recalculated based on the policy's value, and policy holder's age, gender, and health. Term policies do not have a savings component. There are some term policies that offer cash back at the end of the term, however these policies are typically just as expensive as a permanent life insurance policy.

Permanent Life Insurance covers the entire life of the holder and includes a savings component, where the cash value of the contract accumulates for the holder. The holder is then able to withdraw or borrow against the savings portion of their policy.

Does taking funds out of my Permanent Life policy decrease my death benefit and do I have to pay the money back?

If the policyholder would like to access the cash reserves on the policy, they will request a withdrawal of funds or a loan. A withdrawal can be tax-deferred of the value of premiums paid up to that point. Whereas, a loan can be taken where interest will be charged. Both a loan and withdrawals will reduce the death benefit by the amount taken out, or yet to be paid back, if the insured passes away before the funds are repaid in full.

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